Makes the best office balance board EVER |
December 31, 2014 |
Rahul Maitra from Afton, VA United States
I ordered a Commando Board and a couple half balls and balls.
I brought one of my half balls to the office with a skateboard deck and it makes the BEST office balance board ever. I also just threw the half-ball under an old balance board I had and it super-upgraded it.
This amazing half-ball will upgrade any standing desk to something that will consistently build balance and leg muscles everyday. Imagine getting paid to do 8-hours of non-stop balance training at your job.
My recommendation: if you have a sitting desk... throw it up on some 18" cinder blocks /or/ buy a Gladiator Workbench
Once you have a standing desk... immediately buy one of these half-balls and make a balance board to supercharge your work day.
Maybe some day, I'll be skilled enough to use my Si-board in the office --- until then, I'm building my balance skills.
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