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Ultimate Fitness w/ Resitance Bands, 6.5" Inch Half Balls - INTERMEDIATE LARGE BOARD
Si Boards Ultimate Fitness board
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Ultimate Fitness Board w/ Resistance Bands and 6.5 inch Half Balls
  • Size: 45" x 19"
  • Skill level: Advanced
  • Resistance Band System
  • Half Balls: 6.5" diameter
  • Half Ball Height: 3.25"
  • Number of Half balls: 2
Our Price: $490.00

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: UF4565

Description Technical Specs Users Guide

Calling All Fitness Fanatics:

The Ultimate Fitness board is here to test you to the max. Bump up your exercise routine with a core tightening full body workout in less time. Adding a degree of instability to your moves helps engage more muscles and requires postural stability. This ultimately translates to better function for daily living and sport performance. A great addition to your current exercise plan.

Variety Is The Spice Of Life:

We offer the largest balance boards so you can get into natural positions like the lunge, wide squat, quadruped (hands and feet), on your back or sitting fully extended. These positions are important because we perform them daily. Add the Resistance Bands to stimulate more control for posture stability. Use for injury rehabilitation, exercise variety and building stability.

Balance On This:

We include the Resistance Band System and 2 6.5" Half balls. The Half Balls keep you high off the ground and are intended for advanced users who have good ankle range of motion and body control. With lots of tilt you can coordinate bigger motions before the board taps the ground.

Place one or two Half Balls anywhere under the board. The combinations with the Resistance Bands are limitless.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 5 of 5 5 of 5 Total Reviews: 1 Write a review »

  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Incredible Product October 20, 2013
Reviewer: John Pierre from Beverly Hills and Colorado, United States  
The Si Board is an incredible tool that I recommend to improve balance and skill. Everyone from professional athletes to people of all ages and physical levels have benefited from an increase in balance and stability by incorporating the Si Board into their fitness routines. As a specialist in geriatrics, with over 25 years in the field, I've found balance training to be at the core of what I teach seniors. Many seniors can use the Si board while they are just sitting down to stimulate their nervous system. Enjoying the increased skill levels gained by using the Si Boards have boosted both balance, proficiency and confidence; inspiring everyone to keep practicing. The Si Boards are also mentally engaging and a great deal of fun, making the drills a special joyful event that clients eagerly look forward to. Thanks Si Board for making an incredible product.

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